Fruits for life


1. Some Fruits are Great Sources of Antioxidants

Antioxidants help you stay young by combating free radicals in your body, which are believed to be the causes to cancer and diseases associated with aging. Many fresh, ripe fruits are excellent sources of these important antioxidants. Some of the best choices include blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, plums, raspberries and oranges. Apples and pomegranates are two more excellent choices. Look for local fruit picked ripe for optimum benefits.

2. Fruits Provide Vitamins

Fruit is an excellent source of vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin C (kiwi, oranges), vitamin A (especially apricots), B6 (avocado), and even a little protein (dates). Fruit also contains fiber and trace minerals.

3. Eating Fruit Can Aid Weight Loss

Healthy weight loss and eating fruit go hand-in-hand. Cut back on bad calories, such as snack foods, candy, sugar and white carbohydrates, and replace these snacks with a serving of delicious ripe fruit. To make fruit more satisfying and delicious if you're having trouble switching, add a little real whipped cream to strawberries, peanut butter to apple slices or add blueberries to your cold cereal. A little bit of good fat with your fruit will satisfy your cravings and help keep you from splurging on too much sugar.

4. Fruit Helps With Detoxification

Eating fruit can help your body detoxify by working to rid the body of toxins and stimulants (tobacco, alcohol, caffeine). For several days, try eating only fruit in the morning until lunch, starting with home-juiced citrus. Eat a pear or banana as a snack, or a fresh fruit salad. Eat fresh fruit, and frozen if necessary, but avoid canned fruit as it won't have the same positive effects as fresh. Tip: Avoid citrus if you suffer from arthritis. Fruits also provide dietary fiber, helping you lose weight and stay trim.

5. Fruits: 5-a-Day for Your Health

Make it a habit to eat five servings of fresh fruits and veggies each day. Homemade, fresh squeezed juice is better than bottled, but whole fruit is still an even better option. Get a variety of fruits into your diets, and try to vary the color; some orange, red, blue or yellow, each day for optimal nutrition. Don't forget that tomatoes are a fruit, and an excellent one at that. Prepare fruit and veggies you enjoy and you'll find it easy to get five servings a day



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