Tips for a beautiful and healthy you..

eauty1) Hydrate yourself!

Your body is estimated to be about 60 to 70 percent water. Blood is mostly water, and your muscles, lungs, and brain all contain a lot of water. The body needs water to regulate body temperature and to provide the means for nutrients to travel to all your organs. The study provides some support for the general recommendation to drink eight glasses of water a day while dieting. For most people that would add a liter or two to their regular water intake. However, it may be difficult to drink enough water on a busy day. Be sure you have water handy at all times by keeping a bottle for water with you when you are working, traveling, or exercising. If you get bored with plain water, add a bit of lemon or lime for a touch of flavor. There are some brands of flavored water available, but watch for extra calories.

2) Colgate for pimples?

Colgate doesn't just remove unwanted residue on your teeth, it can also be used to reduce pimples.Yes yes.. Well I can't possibly say that it can clear off pimples or acne on your face but it works to remove the pimples bit by bit. Just dab a small amount on your pimple or acne and wait until it dries up (Basically it's like a mask for pimples).

3) Yogurt for yummier hair

Yogurt is not only the creamy base of your conditioner, but is a gentle cleanser. It works to clear the pores of your scalp and promotes hair growth. Yogurt is also naturally high in lactic acid, an element that will help to shine and smooth tangled hair, making it easier to comb, leaving your hair soft and beautiful.

4) An apple a day keeps the (skin)doctors away?

The Apple is widely recognized for its nutritional benefits. Less well-known is that apples also provide amazing skin benefits. Apples have been used for centuries for their skin-healing powers and are a great natural beauty tool. Apple juice is rich is vitamin B and makes an excellent remedy for fine wrinkles, cracked skin, itching and inflammation. Apple juice can be used as an astringent, for cleansing, to help tighten pores, and to protect skin from free-radicals. Green apple helps eliminate sun or age spots (hyper-pigmentation). Malic acid that contained in green apple also has been proven to help stimulate and speed skin cell renewal. Eating apples is actually a beauty aid itself because apples nourish the skin from within, providing natural nutrients that help nourish, moisten, soften and renew skin.

5) Got milk?

Milk is a key ingredient in a healthy diet, but it also helps create beautiful skin. This is due to the vitamins A and D and proteins, which are present in milk. There are also beauty products containing milk that, when applied topically,provide another way to use milk to improve your complexion. For smoother skin, bathe in a tub of warm water mixed with milk. While bathing, use a washcloth or loofah to slough off dead or rough skin. Although applying milk to your skin is sure to create a softer surface, ingesting milk is another great way to get the vitamins you need for a healthy glow. Aim for two to three glasses of fat-free or low-fat milk daily. An added bonus is that drinking milk has been shown to help control weight.


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